Hoddesdon Parish Church
St Catherines and St Pauls
'The church opposite Morrisons'

2. The Story
A messenger approached the door of Mary's home - but no ordinary messenger. He was the Angel Gabriel, sent with a message from God.
“Mary, it is good to see you! Your life has put a smile on the face of God. You have won the highest of honours! The Lord God is with you.”
Mary was afraid – what was this ?
The Angel Gabriel continued: “Don’t be frightened Mary – You are God’s pride and joy and He delights in you. You are going to have a baby son. He is the One that everyone is waiting for – God’s King, the Son of God.”
Mary asked, “How will this be, since I am not married yet?
The Angel Gabriel replied,
“The Holy Spirit will come over you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. The Lord God is His Father.”
Mary looked straight at the Angel and said:
“I am the Lord’s servant - let it happen as you say.”
What do you think?
What is the most exciting news you have ever heard?